Create tracked metrics with these options. Loosely based on the interfaces exposed by the prom-client module

interface SummaryOptions {
    ageBuckets?: number;
    compressCount?: number;
    help?: string;
    label?: string;
    maxAgeSeconds?: number;
    percentiles?: number[];
    pruneAgedBuckets?: boolean;

Hierarchy (view full)


ageBuckets?: number

Configure how many buckets in the sliding window

compressCount?: number

Control compression of data in t-digest

help?: string

Optional help for the metric

label?: string

Optional label for the metric

maxAgeSeconds?: number

Configure how old a bucket can be before it is reset for sliding window

percentiles?: number[]

Percentiles for the summary

pruneAgedBuckets?: boolean

Remove entries without any new values in the last maxAgeSeconds