Crate noise

Available on crate feature noise only.
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Noise protocol framework support for libp2p.

Note: This crate is still experimental and subject to major breaking changes both on the API and the wire protocol.

This crate provides libp2p_core::InboundUpgrade and libp2p_core::OutboundUpgrade implementations for various noise handshake patterns (currently IK, IX, and XX) over a particular choice of Diffie–Hellman key agreement (currently only X25519).

Note: Only the XX handshake pattern is currently guaranteed to provide interoperability with other libp2p implementations.

All upgrades produce as output a pair, consisting of the remote’s static public key and a NoiseOutput which represents the established cryptographic session with the remote, implementing futures::io::AsyncRead and futures::io::AsyncWrite.



use libp2p_core::{transport::MemoryTransport, upgrade, Transport};
use libp2p_identity as identity;
use libp2p_noise as noise;

let id_keys = identity::Keypair::generate_ed25519();
let noise = noise::Config::new(&id_keys).unwrap();
let builder = MemoryTransport::default()
// let transport = builder.multiplex(...);


The configuration for the noise handshake.
A noise session to a remote.


libp2p_noise error type.