Data returned from a successful identify response


  • IdentifyResult


agentVersion?: string

The remote agent version

listenAddrs: Multiaddr[]

The unsigned addresses they are listening on. Note - any multiaddrs present in the signed peer record should be preferred to the value here.

observedAddr?: Multiaddr

If set this is the address that the remote peer saw the identify request originate from

peerId: PeerId

The remote Peer's PeerId

protocolVersion?: string

The remote protocol version

protocols: string[]

The protocols the remote peer supports

publicKey?: Uint8Array

The public key part of the remote PeerId - this is only useful for older RSA-based PeerIds, the more modern Ed25519 and secp256k1 types have the public key embedded in them

signedPeerRecord?: SignedPeerRecord

If sent by the remote peer this is the deserialized signed peer record