Interface KadDHTInit


  • KadDHTInit


allowQueryWithZeroPeers?: boolean

After startup by default all queries will be paused until the initial self-query has run and there are some peers in the routing table.

Pass true here to disable this behaviour. (default: false)

clientMode?: boolean

Whether to start up as a DHT client or server

initialQuerySelfInterval?: number

During startup we run the self-query at a shorter interval to ensure the containing node can respond to queries quickly. Set this interval here in ms (default: 1000)

kBucketSize?: number

How many peers to store in each kBucket (default 20)

maxInboundStreams?: number

How many parallel incoming streams to allow on the DHT protocol per-connection

maxOutboundStreams?: number

How many parallel outgoing streams to allow on the DHT protocol per-connection

pingConcurrency?: number

How many peers to ping in parallel when deciding if they should be evicted from the routing table or not (default 10)

pingTimeout?: number

How long to wait in ms when pinging DHT peers to decide if they should be evicted from the routing table or not (default 10000)

protocolPrefix?: string

A custom protocol prefix to use (default: '/ipfs')

providers?: ProvidersInit

Initialization options for the Providers component

querySelfInterval?: number

How often to query our own PeerId in order to ensure we have a good view on the KAD address space local to our PeerId

selectors?: Selectors

Record selectors

validators?: Validators

Record validators