@libp2p/mdns - v8.0.0


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Node.js libp2p mDNS discovery implementation for peer discovery

Table of contents


$ npm i @libp2p/mdns


import { mdns } from '@libp2p/mdns'

const options = {
peerDiscovery: [

async function start () {
const libp2p = await createLibp2p(options)

libp2p.on('peer:discovery', function (peerId) {
console.log('found peer: ', peerId.toB58String())

await libp2p.start()
  • options
    • peerName - Peer name to announce (should not be peeer id), default random string
    • multiaddrs - multiaddrs to announce
    • broadcast - (true/false) announce our presence through mDNS, default false
    • interval - query interval, default 10 * 1000 (10 seconds)
    • serviceTag - name of the service announce , default 'ipfs.local`

MDNS messages

A query is sent to discover the IPFS nodes on the local network

type: 'query',
questions: [ { name: 'ipfs.local', type: 'PTR' } ]

When a query is detected, each IPFS node sends an answer about itself

    [ { name: 'ipfs.local',
type: 'PTR',
class: 'IN',
ttl: 120,
data: 'QmNPubsDWATVngE3d5WDSNe7eVrFLuk38qb9t6vdLnu2aK.ipfs.local' },
{ name: 'QmNPubsDWATVngE3d5WDSNe7eVrFLuk38qb9t6vdLnu2aK.ipfs.local',
type: 'SRV',
class: 'IN',
ttl: 120,
{ priority: 10,
weight: 1,
port: '20002',
target: 'LAPTOP-G5LJ7VN9' } },
{ name: 'QmNPubsDWATVngE3d5WDSNe7eVrFLuk38qb9t6vdLnu2aK.ipfs.local',
type: 'TXT',
class: 'IN',
ttl: 120,
data: ['QmNPubsDWATVngE3d5WDSNe7eVrFLuk38qb9t6vdLnu2aK'] },
{ name: 'LAPTOP-G5LJ7VN9',
type: 'A',
class: 'IN',
ttl: 120,
data: '' },
{ name: 'LAPTOP-G5LJ7VN9',
type: 'AAAA',
class: 'IN',
ttl: 120,
data: '::1' } ]

API Docs


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