maxThe maximum number of multiplexed streams that can be open at any one time. A request to open more than this will have a stream reset message sent immediately as a response for the newly opened stream id (default: 1024)
maxThe maximum size of message that can be sent in one go in bytes. Messages larger than this will be split into multiple smaller messages. If we receive a message larger than this an error will be thrown and the connection closed. (default: 1MB)
maxThe maximum number of multiplexed streams that can be open at any one time. An attempt to open more than this will throw (default: 1024)
maxIncoming stream messages are buffered until processed by the stream handler. If the buffer reaches this size in bytes the stream will be reset (default: 4MB)
maxConstrains the size of the unprocessed message queue buffer. Before messages are deserialized, the raw bytes are buffered to ensure we have the complete message to deserialized. If the queue gets longer than this value an error will be thrown and the connection closed. (default: 4MB)
minEach byte array written into a multiplexed stream is converted to one or more messages which are sent as byte arrays to the remote node. Sending lots of small messages can be expensive - use this setting to batch up the serialized bytes of all messages sent during the current tick up to this limit to send in one go similar to Nagle's algorithm. N.b. you should benchmark your application carefully when using this setting as it may cause the opposite of the desired effect. Omit this setting to send all messages as they become available. (default: undefined)
is hit, if the remote continues try to open more than this many new multiplexed streams per second the connection will be closed (default: 5)