The libp2p metrics tracking object. This interface is only concerned with the collection of metrics, please see the individual implementations for how to extract metrics for viewing.

Example: How to register a simple metric

import { Metrics, Metric } from '@libp2p/interface/metrics'

interface MyServiceComponents {
metrics: Metrics

class MyService {
private readonly myMetric: Metric

constructor (components: MyServiceComponents) {
this.myMetric = components.metrics.registerMetric({
name: 'my_metric',
label: 'my_label',
help: 'my help text'

// later
doSomething () {

Example: How to register a dynamically calculated metric

A metric that is expensive to calculate can be created by passing a calculate function that will only be invoked when metrics are being scraped:

import { Metrics, Metric } from '@libp2p/interface/metrics'

interface MyServiceComponents {
metrics: Metrics

class MyService {
private readonly myMetric: Metric

constructor (components: MyServiceComponents) {
this.myMetric = components.metrics.registerMetric({
name: 'my_metric',
label: 'my_label',
help: 'my help text',
calculate: async () => {
// do something expensive
return 1

Example: How to register a group of metrics

If several metrics should be grouped together (e.g. for graphing purposes) registerMetricGroup can be used instead:

import { Metrics, MetricGroup } from '@libp2p/interface/metrics'

interface MyServiceComponents {
metrics: Metrics

class MyService {
private readonly myMetricGroup: MetricGroup

constructor (components: MyServiceComponents) {
this.myMetricGroup = components.metrics.registerMetricGroup({
name: 'my_metric_group',
label: 'my_label',
help: 'my help text'

// later
doSomething () {
this.myMetricGroup.increment({ my_label: 'my_value' })

There are specific metric groups for tracking libp2p connections and streams:

Example: How to track multiaddr connections

This is something only libp2p transports need to do.

import { Metrics } from '@libp2p/interface/metrics'

interface MyServiceComponents {
metrics: Metrics

class MyService {
private readonly metrics: Metrics

constructor (components: MyServiceComponents) {
this.metrics = components.metrics

// later
doSomething () {
const connection = {} // create a connection

Example: How to track protocol streams

This is something only libp2p connections need to do.

import { Metrics } from '@libp2p/interface/metrics'

interface MyServiceComponents {
metrics: Metrics

class MyService {
private readonly metrics: Metrics

constructor (components: MyServiceComponents) {
this.metrics = components.metrics

// later
doSomething () {
const stream = {} // create a stream
interface Metrics {
    registerCounter: ((name, options?) => Counter) & ((name, options) => void);
    registerCounterGroup: ((name, options?) => CounterGroup<any>) & ((name, options) => void);
    registerHistogram: ((name, options?) => Histogram) & ((name, options) => void);
    registerHistogramGroup: ((name, options?) => HistogramGroup<any>) & ((name, options) => void);
    registerMetric: ((name, options?) => Metric) & ((name, options) => void);
    registerMetricGroup: ((name, options?) => MetricGroup<any>) & ((name, options) => void);
    registerSummary: ((name, options?) => Summary) & ((name, options) => void);
    registerSummaryGroup: ((name, options?) => SummaryGroup<any>) & ((name, options) => void);
    createTrace(): any;
    traceFunction<F>(name, fn, options?): F;
    traceFunction<F>(name, fn, options?): F;
    traceFunction<F>(name, fn, options?): F;
    trackMultiaddrConnection(maConn): void;
    trackProtocolStream(stream, connection): void;


registerCounter: ((name, options?) => Counter) & ((name, options) => void)

Register an arbitrary counter. Call this to set help/labels for counters and increment them by calling methods on the returned counter object

Type declaration

Type declaration

registerCounterGroup: ((name, options?) => CounterGroup<any>) & ((name, options) => void)

Register a a group of related counters. Call this to set help/labels for groups of related counters that will be updated with by calling the .increment method on the returned counter group object

Type declaration

Type declaration

registerHistogram: ((name, options?) => Histogram) & ((name, options) => void)

Register an arbitrary histogram. Call this to set help/labels for histograms and observe them by calling methods on the returned histogram object

Type declaration

Type declaration

registerHistogramGroup: ((name, options?) => HistogramGroup<any>) & ((name, options) => void)

Register a a group of related histograms. Call this to set help/labels for groups of related histograms that will be updated with by calling the .observe method on the returned histogram group object

Type declaration

Type declaration

registerMetric: ((name, options?) => Metric) & ((name, options) => void)

Register an arbitrary metric. Call this to set help/labels for metrics and update/increment/decrement/etc them by calling methods on the returned metric object

Type declaration

Type declaration

registerMetricGroup: ((name, options?) => MetricGroup<any>) & ((name, options) => void)

Register a a group of related metrics. Call this to set help/labels for groups of related metrics that will be updated with by calling .update, .increment and/or .decrement methods on the returned metric group object

Type declaration

Type declaration

registerSummary: ((name, options?) => Summary) & ((name, options) => void)

Register an arbitrary summary. Call this to set help/labels for summaries and observe them by calling methods on the returned summary object

Type declaration

Type declaration

registerSummaryGroup: ((name, options?) => SummaryGroup<any>) & ((name, options) => void)

Register a a group of related summaries. Call this to set help/labels for groups of related summaries that will be updated with by calling the .observe method on the returned summary group object

Type declaration

Type declaration
